Family Gathering - Thanksgiving 2023

This year is going to be very special! Celebrating Thanksgiving together at Crooked Lake.


Crooked Lake

Located in beautiful Babson Park, north of Frostproof.  This town is slightly less than two square miles and home to Webber International University.

This town is very laid back, and surrounded by orange groves that span as far as the eye can see.  Nestled along the Ridge Scenic Highway, the area provides great hiking opportunities to nature lovers and introduces travelers to historic communities and rural agriculture that Central Florida is famous for.

Monday 20th (Jonas-Ritter Host)

Lake Day and Game Night

Monday the 20th will be a beach day, full of activities such as boating, swimming, knee-boarding and tubing.  If the kids want to do some fishing from the dock, they can do it anytime they wish.

Monday November 20th - Lake Day Game Night
Breakfast9amEggs, Bacon, Biscuits
Girls Grocery10 am
Boys/Kids Boating11:00 am to 3:30 pm
Beach Picnic12:30pm to 1:30pmPopcorn Chicken, chicken salad croisants
At leisure3:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Dinner6:30pm to 7:30pmBBQ Sandwiches
Games7:30pm to ??

Tuesday 21st (Jonas - Mathews Host)


Family Picture Day & Campfires

On Tuesday the 21st at 4pm, we will gather for a family picture session.

Tuesday November 21st - Picture Day & Campfires
Lawn Games10:30 to 12:30
Lunch12:30 to 1:30Subs and sandwiches
At Leisure1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
📷 Pictures (Required)4:30 pm to 5:30 pmBoys: White collared button up, khakis. Girls: Fall colors.
Dinner6:30 to 7:30Burgers and chicken wings
Campfire & Smores7:30pm to 9:00pm
Cousins' Christmas gifts9pm

Wednesday 22nd (Jonas-Donnell/Ash Host)

Activity Day and Movie Night

Here we go for some pickleball!

Wednesday November 22nd - Activity Day and Movie Night
Breakfast9amMuffins and Donuts
Pickleball10:30 to 12:30 pm
Meal Prep10:30 to 4:00pm
Lunch12:30 pm to 1:30 pmHotdogs or Frostbite
Dinner6:30 to 7:30Pizza
Movie7:30 pm


Tag your pictures with #celedonjonas2023 so we can all see them here!

Thursday 23rd (Celedon-Jonas Host)


Thanksgiving Day

On Thursday the 23rd at 6pm, we will gather for Thanksgiving Dinner.  The entire Jonas and Celedon family will be in attendance. 

Fried turkey is on the menu with all the delicious sides you can imagine.  There's rumor that Bill will bring a smoked turkey!

Thursday November 23rd - Thanksgiving Day
Meal PrepOngoing
Brunch10:00amCeledon-Jonas (Eggs, Sausage balls, bagels)
Kickball/Lawn Games11:00am to 1:00pm
At Leisure1:00pm to 4:00pm
Appetizers4:00pm to 6:00pm
Christmas PJ's8:00pm

Friday 24th (Anders-Halle Host)

Travel Day

Fridat November 24th - Travel Day
Breakfast9amBreakfast Sandwiches
DeparturesAt Leisure

Time for Fun!

Laura Lee, Pancho and the kids can't wait for everyone to get here and start relaxing and enjoying family time.